Let’s Get Digital
Hello gorgeous people, yes there is more to this COVID tale! As difficult as this pandemic has been I can’t say it’s been uneventful. As mentioned in the previous blog ‘Surprise Sing-a-long’ I received two game changing emails during the lockdown. Well this is the story of how the second email reversed N B Entertainments fortune during this awful pandemic.
The second email was from a new home that I had not previously been to before. He asked if I was providing Facebook live or Zoom entertainment. He had already had a gentlemen do one for his residents and they thought it was a success. This was brilliant it started a lovely relationship between myself and the home. I’ll be honest I’m not the most technology savvy person you’ll ever meet. I struggled to figure out how to make live online shows work, it took a lot of trial and error. I had the coffee table balanced on the sofa with my phone inside a tissue box and did multiple closed practise live stream shows to my friends and family. Many times I was upside down, on the side or muted! I faced all the struggles everyone did entering this virtual, zoom world. But eventually I cracked it and began bi weekly online shows for this home up till the end of the year. I marketed this as ‘Let’s Get Digital’, another way of providing safe entertainment and had a flood of bookings for pre recorded shows or live stream shows. Never did I think my lounge and kitchen would become my stage but needs must and they were very successful. I loved being able to see the residents up dancing on my tiny phone screen. Not sure my fiancé was too impressed though. Whilst he was busy working upstairs in his home office, I was ‘Que Sera Sera’ ing my little heart out downstairs. There is a lovely video made from one of my Christmas Cracker Virtual shows linked to the yellow button below. Have a little look. I just love it, I think it sums up what Let’s Get Digital was all about perfectly.