Dance Classes

Line Dancing

This style of dance is a fabulously fun form of exercise, with vibrant songs of different styles to gently work the brain and body. We teach a wide range of line dances that can suit beginners and the more advanced line dancers. Also we modify the dances to suit the ability of the group so everyone who wants to can join in no matter how able bodied they are. We take time to teach the dances really breaking each step down so when the music comes on everyone feels comfortable to dance along and have loads of fun. Why not transform you’re sitting room, dining room or hall into a line dance studio for an hour with us.

hourly session


Sequence Dancing

A beautifully traditional style of dance that has been lost over the generations, but would be sure to spark the memories of many. We teach both the lead and the followers parts and can partner as both so there is no problem if anyone doesn’t have a partner. From Square Tango to Caribbean Calypso why not transport everyone to the ballroom and learn a charming new skill.

The video is an Isolation Motivation instalment from our COVID 19 project and gives a flavour of the fun we have teaching a session.

hourly session